Michelle Fletcher

Teaching Statement

as an educator, I support my students toward engaging their world and thinking beyond the conventional. An essential part of my teaching process is to encourage students’ questions, cultivate dialogue, dismantle hierarchical systems of oppression and nurture mindful practices.

Whether in a studio teaching movement or in a classroom lecturing, I offer to my students that to experience academic and artistic richness demands making choices, risk taking and failure.

 Inner Space Workshop

For any and all bodies (not just dancer identifying). The workshop interrogates interiority - the inner realms we inhabit - and introduces themes of future,  abstraction and symbolism. Workshop concepts include excavating body memories and imagined futures through somatic meditation and guided movement experiments. As the workshop progresses, participants will develop movement material imbued with personal symbolism while convening with their own Interiority. All you need is an open heart and a willingness to invest in your own imagination.

Making Work Workshop

Pulling from a variety of making methods… come ready to be and with action.

Just Dance Here now

a dance class.


The enormous creativity and variance infused into each class made the semester exciting and engaging. She trusts us + knows how to push us in ways that encourage curiosity and growth.
— Former BFA in dance student